Snippet: Animated Action Bar Items
·497 words·3 mins
This snippet is taken from some of the code I’ve recently released in photup, and shows you how to make an Action Bar item more noticeable, allowing you to lead the user onto the correct path.
Android-BitmapCache v2.1
·192 words·1 min
Android-BitmapCache has version 2.1! Hopefully by now you should have heard about Android-BitmapCache (if you haven’t, have a look at this post here).
photup is now open source.
·261 words·2 mins
Early last year I bought myself an iPhone, to see what iOS is really like.
Snippet: ImageView Layout Optimisation
·522 words·3 mins
Welcome to the second instalment of my new Android Snippet series. This one is a fairly short one as it points out an optimisation which was added in Android v4.
Snippet: DateUtils
·297 words·2 mins
This is the first in a new series of posts I’m going to regularly publish (weekly-ish) of code snippets which could save you a lot of #AndroidDev time.
Android-BitmapCache… the rebirth.
·441 words·3 mins
A while ago I wrote Android-BitmapMemoryCache, a cache based off of LruCache which would cache Android Bitmap objects in memory in a clever way.
PhotoView v1.1
·545 words·3 mins
As you may or not know, I released a small library as part of the work I did for photup (it was actually created before that) which contained an ImageView which could be scaled, dragged and double-tapped.
photup v1.x
·263 words·2 mins
It’s been a while since I posted. Since then, photup has been release to Google Play, and after some initial slowness has slowly been gaining traction.
photup v0.9 beta 2
·94 words·1 min
After releasing the first beta a couple of days ago, I’ve been busy at work on the second beta.
photup v0.9 beta 1
·195 words·1 min
If you’ve seen my Twitter lately you’ll probably have seen that I’ve been working on a new app called ‘photup’.