Colour Matching - Part 2
·1143 words·6 mins
Carrying on from the previous post, we now have the palette of colours which make up our chosen image.
New blog... again
·158 words·1 min
Just a quick post.
You may have noticed that this site has changed yet again.
Colour Matching
·650 words·4 mins
Android 4.4 introduced more subtle use of colour throughout the OS and provided new guidance on using colour in your applications to provide better branding (see this episode of ADiA for more discussion).
(My) Open Source Libraries
·342 words·2 mins
Over the past few months I’ve been receiving a ton of emails, tweets, G+ mentions and GitHub issues in connection with my open source libraries.
Pushing AARs to Maven Central
·566 words·3 mins
Over the past few weeks I’ve been updating ActionBar-PullToRefresh for the release of v0.
·205 words·1 min
So this is my first blog post on ActionBar-PullToRefresh. I’ve been mainly talking about it on Google+ up until now as it simply was not ready for production use.
IntelliJ Copyright Profile for Android
·225 words·2 mins
One of things that I keep finding myself doing is creating copyright profiles in IntelliJ for my open source projects.
Checkable Views
·730 words·4 mins
After a month of not posting anything on here due to being busy, I’ve finally found a bit of time to write a new Snippet post.
ListView - Keeping Position
·244 words·2 mins
Last week Joaquim Verges asked me a question about ListView. I’ve finally got around to writing up this solution and post.
Android-PullToRefresh – Stopping Development
·110 words·1 min
Android-PullToRefresh was started about 18 months ago, as I needed it for a project (Friendcaster).