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Carry on Scrolling
·1116 words·6 mins
If you’ve used the Material Design Components library (formerly known as the design support library), and specifically its scrolling components such as AppBarLayout, you probably noticed that flinging can sometimes stop quite abruptly. You can see a quick animation comparing the issue and new fixed version above.
Jekyll + Firebase Hosting
·1396 words·7 mins
This site is built with Jekyll and was hosted on GitHub Pages until recently, with all of the commit-to-deploy goodness that it gives you for free. I found that hosting on GitHub does have some downsides though:
Why isn’t my animation running?
·229 words·2 mins
Note: this post is quite old now. As you can see below this isn’t an issue from Android 7.0.
DayNight — Adding a dark theme to your app
·824 words·4 mins
This post has been updated multiple time since first publishing. The content is correct as-of March 13th 2019.
AppCompat v23.2 — Age of the vectors
·699 words·4 mins
As you may have seen on the Support Lib 23.2.0 blog post, we now have compatible vector drawable implementations in the support libraries: VectorDrawableCompat and Animated VectorDrawableCompat.
Support Libraries v22.1.0
·1464 words·7 mins
It’s been a while since my last post so here we are. You may have seen that the 22.1.0 support libraries were released yesterday, which is probably the biggest non-platform release we’ve done with the support library.
Theme vs Style
·840 words·4 mins
Android 5.0 Lollipop brings with it new functionality which allows you to specify an override theme for a View (and any descendents). Let’s have a look at how and why you would use it.
Palette v21
·565 words·3 mins
Tried the Android Lollipop SDK? You may have noticed that Palette’s API has been updated. As before, Palette allows you to extract colors from images for use in your UI.
appcompat v21: material design for pre-Lollipop devices!
·1583 words·8 mins
The Android 5.0 SDK was released today and among the many tasty updates, includes new UI widgets and theming abilities to create material design style apps. To enable you to bring your updated designs to older platforms, we have also updated the support libraries including AppCompat. In this post I’ll outline what’s new in AppCompat and how you can use it in your app.
·107 words·1 min
Here’s something Roman Nurik and I wrote to help with dealing with Android System UI visibility across the different API levels.